Our School Council is one of the primary mechanisms for consulting the pupils.  This allows an effective exchange of views and discussions on issues of importance to the pupils and Senior Leadership Team.

Councillors are elected in a democratic process at the commencement of each year and are drawn from each year group and House.  Pupils have been able to request and implement changes to school processes and facilities.


Year 10 pupil Thomas discusses the value of the school council.  “It is really good that we have a variety of pupils with their own ideas to make school life at Dromore High easier, more beneficial, more enjoyable and more effective.  Each of the School Councillors have listened to their peers in Class Councils expressing their thoughts about a wide variety of topics.  These thoughts are brought forward to the School Council meetings and all the members have an opportunity to speak.

The Senior Leadership Team discusses our ideas with us and some that are viable and affordable are taken forward.

It is important for pupils to feel their views are taken account of and the School Council in Dromore High certainly facilitates that.”