The numbers and contact details attached have been sent to us from the Child Protection Support Team to distribute to pupils during the period of school closure due to COVID-19.
If any additional information is required please do not hesitate to contact me. Mrs Ravey
Dromore High School has a very professional staff who are not only interested in the academic performance of their pupils but also in their social, emotional and spiritual development.
Qualities of kindness, fairness and politeness are encouraged as the basis of everyday relationships and are at the heart of our Pastoral care work. The polite, friendly atmosphere and the degree of responsibility and initiative shown by pupils are often commented upon by visitors.
The Pastoral Structure in school is based on the House System. There are three Houses in school and each pupil is allocated to a House upon admission. The pupils’ House acts like a large family within the school. For example House Mentors from Sixth Form assist new year 8 pupils to settle into school. House competitions and trophies add a competitive element to the year’s work and encourage pupils to give of their best.
All staff have a specific responsibility for the general welfare of pupils. However, a recognised structure also exists to care for the pupils in an effective way.
Has overall responsibility for the welfare of the staff and pupils.
They provide advice and support for staff and pupils
2019/20 YEAR HEADS
Year groups have a Year Head who is in overall charge. They liaise with other house tutors in the year group and have an overall responsibility for pupils in their year group.
Year 8 – Mrs Leckey
Year 9 - Mr Crothers
Year 10 – Mr McCord
Year 11 – Miss Hillen
Year 12 – Mrs Kerr
Sixth Form – Mrs Scott
House Tutor
Each class has a House Tutor. These teachers are the main link with pupil and home in the initial stages of school life and are responsible for pupil welfare, minor counselling, monitoring academic progress and behaviour, daily registration and reports. Each year group has a Year Teacher. These teachers have overall responsibility for general discipline and organisation within the year group. If necessary they pass problems on to the Heads of Department, Vice Principals and/or Student Support Officer.
The Designated Teacher for Child Protection is Mrs Ravey. Along with the Headmaster and the Child Protection Governor these staff form the Child Protection team.
Class Organisation
On entry pupils are divided into random ability teaching groups, with an additional group for those who experience difficulty in English/Mathematics. The KS3 curriculum provides a broad education where the emphasis is on the performance of the individual pupil.
Standards of behaviour
Our ethos is one where we strive for the highest academic standards for all our pupils. This we believe is possible through a committed team effort of pupil, home and school. We also emphasise our belief that academic success is made possible in a disciplined and orderly environment. We expect our pupils’ behaviour to be exemplary so that everyone can learn together and succeed.
To encourage high standards of work and behaviour pupils receive Positive Achievement points for a range of good work practices and positive attitudes and actions. There are points for good effort in classwork as well as high achievement, points for perseverance, full attendance each month, sporting excellence and participation and helpfulness.
This approach extends to our pupils’ appearance and uniform. Therefore, you should be aware that our pupils must wear their shirt with their top button fastened and their tie worn tidily. All other aspects of their appearance must follow school rules.
Your support for our rules and the enforcement of them is critical. Pupils will receive Negative Behaviour points for behaviours which break school rules and these are then subtracted from the achievement points to give net conduct points for each pupil. Bronze, Silver and Gold Certificates and rewards are given as pupils pass certain target points.
Pastoral Care
The school realizes the importance of good home-school relationships in the education of the pupils. Staff may invite you to visit the school if problems arise. You will normally be contacted by the House Tutor or Year Teacher.
Bullying is an unacceptable form of behaviour in any school. If problems are encountered do not hesitate to let us know. We will continue to take stringent action against any pupils concerned. Parents of such pupils will be informed.
Student Support Service
At Dromore High School we have a Student Support service to help students discuss in confidence, problems which they may be facing either within school or at home. Individual support sessions are available during school time. Common areas dealt with include exam pressure, bullying, relationship problems, family problems, low self-esteem and anger management. If you do not wish your son/daughter to use this service please inform the school office.